Wednesday, January 7, 2009

It is going to be OK

I have been struggling a little lately with things. Everyone knows that 2008 was not the best year for my family. If you don't know, I lost both of my grandmothers and 2 of my aunts AND was diagnosed with Cervical Cancer. I am grateful that I was cured (my first 6 month PAP was negative, praise Jesus), but a lot has been going through my mind.

I sometimes catch myself asking WHY? Why did all this have to happen to us, why, why, why! I know better than this, I know that God has his reasons and I am not to question anything He does. I know, but it still crosses my mind.

I was reading a blog I follow yesterday Just Taking a Journey and she posted a link to this website I am Second. And WOW did that hit me. As I sat there listening to the stories I realized I AM SECOND! I have to put God first In EVERYTHING I do. I have to stop questioning his reasons, there is a reason this is all happening to us and I may know the reason one day or I may not. And that is fine!

So yesterday I finally got out of my little pity party I was having. I can wake up each morning and choose to have a good day and that is exactly what I was going to do this morning.

Well, I overslept! So instead of rushing around the house trying to get me and Taylor ready in 30 minutes, I decided to just get her ready, take her to school and come back and get myself ready. I hate doing this because I don't get to work until around 9:30. So that means I have to stay later, but I wasn't going to start my day off bad.

Anyway, as I pulled back into my neighborhood after I dropped Ta off I see the most beautiful site. A rainbow and the closer I get to my house I realize that is circling our house and I just stopped and looked for a moment. Then I ran into the house and grabbed my camera.

I would have never seen this if I would have been on time this morning. I know in my heart this was a sign from God. He is watching over me and my family and things are going to be GREAT! I am not going to dwell on the bad things that happened to us this year, I am going to focus on the wonderful things. Like me being cured from cancer and Scott's dreams coming true! I know 2009 is going to be the best year yet, and I can't wait!


Unknown said...

Hey Dixie. I am glad to hear things are looking up for you. That rainbow picture is AMAZING...hey, I am wanting to share some stories of others who read the blog and things they have gone through to help others who may be dealing with the same thing, would you mind if I shared your story sometimes over the next week or so? I can just link this, or if you want to write a little something that I can post..."Your Journey"...I know there have to be others out there that this will touch.

You can email me if you want to. :)

Again, I am glad you are doing better. Glad the cancer is gone, VERY sorry to hear about your grandmothers, I can not imagine. I still have both of my grandmothers, and my heart hurts to think of them not being here one day with us.

You have an amazing inspires me. You will be in my prayers. :)

Melissa O'Brien said...

Wow, Dixie! That was so well put I just had to comment. Your thoughts are very wise and we should all keep them close to heart so we keep everything in the right perspective!

Hope to see you soon!

Pam said...

That is the best picture and I agree it is a sign that your year will be great!

*Disclaimer: I am required by law in the USA to state: "These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Procducts and techniques mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease." If you are under the care of a physician or taking prescription medications, please inform your doctor before using essential oils. If you are pregnant or nurshing be sure to check with your physician before using essential oils. Keep essential oils out of the reach of children.