Sunday, January 16, 2011


Since Friday I have been really struggling.  I haven't deviated from the Nutrisystem program but I sure want to.   I have been having food cravings like Mexican and wings and fried anything.  I know that I have to fight through those cravings. My body is used to eating that crap and I know that in a couple of weeks those will go away.  I am also struggling with getting my water in.  I am not the type to just drink something all day long.  I usually have a diet coke in the morning and then I only drink with my meals.  Another habit I need to break.  I know how important the water is and I can tell a difference when I drink it.

I went to Zumba Saturday morning and it was so fun.  I really love it because I love to dance and so it doesn't feel like exercise.   I missed two days of boot camp this week due to the snow and I hope that doesn't mess up my weight loss for the week.   But I will be happy with half a pound as long as the scale is going down not up.

I am also taking this three day weekend to declutter and deep clean my house.   I spent just about the whole day yesterday in the master bathroom and master bedroom.  I cleaned out my closet, cleaned out the drawers in the bathroom and bedroom and cleaned the rooms from ceiling to floor.  Today I hope to get the kitchen, living room and dining room done.  Tomorrow is Taylor's room, bathroom and the office.  I saved Taylor's room for last, it is the worst. 

I have got to get some routine back in this house and getting the house cleaned first will help because I tend to get all out of whack when my house isn't cleaned. 

As always, thanks for your words of encouragement.


Unknown said...

Hang in there with the food cravings. It is hard, but worth it in the end. Nothing tastes as good as thin feels, lol now if i can remember that too when i want chocolate. You are going to do great!

Unknown said...

I dont know wht it put Gabriel said lol its Amanda. didnt want to freak you out.

*Disclaimer: I am required by law in the USA to state: "These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Procducts and techniques mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease." If you are under the care of a physician or taking prescription medications, please inform your doctor before using essential oils. If you are pregnant or nurshing be sure to check with your physician before using essential oils. Keep essential oils out of the reach of children.