Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day ONE of the NEW ME!!!

After I posted the other day I looked at the post right before this one.  How I was making a change, and I thought, well that doesn't look good.  I have been here and said that before so what makes this time different.
A little background.  In May of last year I joined Extreme Fit Boot camp and LOVED it.  Now let me tell you, that first month was HELL for me.  I haven 't exercised in a VERY long time so I HURT!  But I DID it.  I made it through the first month so I signed up for another and another and another.  I lost around 20 pounds, just watching what I ate and doing the boot camp.  Then I hurt myself.  I started having really bad hip pains that would go all the way down to my foot.  So I went to the doc and he told me I had sciatica and sent me to physical therapy.  That was August. 
My physical therapist suggested I give boot camp a rest to recover from my injury.  So I did.  My plan was to start back once I got better, but I didn't.  And guess what, football season started.  I started eating bad wasn't exercising, I gained about 15 pounds back.  UGH!  It makes me so mad just to say that.
I joined the Holiday Survival Camp at Extreme Fit and went like 3 times maybe.  I was just "too busy" or it was "too cold".    I made it through the Holiday's without gaining any more weight (how I don't know).  And I decided at Christmas that I am not making ANY MORE EXCUSES.  January I am starting over.  It is time for the NEW ME!
I joined Nutrisystem because I have NO SELF CONTROL when it comes to food.  I am hoping the system will teach me to be more in control.  To eat because I need the fuel, not because it is fun.  To control my portions, to make better decisions. 
I also signed back up for boot camp and tonight is the first night.  I am SO READY!  Ready to freeze, ready to fight through the pain, READY!
This is about ME!  No one else.  I am going to be selfish for a while and that is OK!

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*Disclaimer: I am required by law in the USA to state: "These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Procducts and techniques mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease." If you are under the care of a physician or taking prescription medications, please inform your doctor before using essential oils. If you are pregnant or nurshing be sure to check with your physician before using essential oils. Keep essential oils out of the reach of children.